Monday, July 25, 2011


I've been feeling rather crafty, especially since my friend Theresa asked if I could make a duplicate of a necklace we'd seen online. It got my creative thought process shifted out of neutral into drive and now I can't seem to find the brakes! I have yet to complete the original project (damn printer cartridge) but did make a couple of other necklaces today just for fun.

I originally saw this on Pinterest, my newest addiction. I thought that I would, every Sunday, make something that was either on Pinterest or inspired by the great ideas on the site. Today, I duped the  project shown here and it was fun afternoon, wasn't difficult, and has endless possibilities.

First is Curious Monkey-Pig George. It was made from an old Curious George book, findings and beads, Modge Podge, and bulk chain. Burning the edges of the little pendants was particularly fun.
Can't resist anything to do with a monkey and a pig.
Second is named Cyrano, after the play I mutilated to make the pendants. I've had the book for about twenty-five years and honestly, am I ever going to read it again? Doubtful. The bronze/black/sepia combination is a favorite of mine. Threw in one red bead just for fun.
Lots of fun words here, including pug, topless, and syllable.
Love both the way they turned out and the Pinterest Sunday idea. I know I'll be working on other crafts this week, as well as that original pendant for Theresa, so next Sunday's project will be food-related.

Enjoy your week and stay crafty!

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